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New Zealand

New Zealand New Zealand Stories

From the LOTR straight to Narnia: a day visit to the Castle Hill and Cave Stream Reserve in Canterbury

October 10, 2018

As great as everything was before, after the engagement it just got so much better! Or it might as well be just the every waking moment spent together day…

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Working Holiday New Zealand

Why go on a Working Holiday in New Zealand?

August 1, 2018

Many people believe New Zealand to be a must-visit destination at least ‘once in a lifetime’. Well, at least we did and still do! Therefore, as soon as Lithuania…

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New Zealand

Useful Tips & Facts New Zealand: Geography and Landscapes

July 27, 2018

Kia ora friend, and welcome to New Zealand – home to Kiwis (people, birds and fruits), Hobbits and the legendary All Blacks. If you’re here, my guess is you…

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New Zealand Stories

The magnificent Arthur’s Pass engagement or the story of the Ring, my precious

July 7, 2018

There are plenty of rings in the world, but this shall be the story of a special one – my precious. Muahahaha! Okay, I’ll try to keep the ‘Lord…

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Food New Zealand Stories

Greymouth – just a town in West Coast but offers delicious craft beer and amazing breakfast pancakes

June 4, 2018

Leaving the mysterious ghost town of Waiuta behind we’ve decided to have an overnight stop in Greymouth and treat ourselves to a decent dinner and a night out in…

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