Travel couple at Mount Taranaki, New Zealand
New Zealand New Zealand Stories

Glorious Taranaki: the launch of our YouTube channel!

January 8, 2019

Glorious Taranaki is our debut in videography and a short tale of our hiking trip in magical Egmont national park with its prime jewel, one of the prettiest mountains in New Zealand – Mount Taranaki. Pouakai circuit is just a perfect track to adore and admire the Taranaki greatness. 25km can be stretched into two or three days of hiking with nights spent in perfect backcountry huts. If you’re lucky, there is a chance that you might have the huts all by yourself! If you only have one day, take the Pouakai crossing track – a shorter, 19km version and there is always a summit track for the brave! Pouakai circuit track in Egmont national park is definitely a prime spot for hiking in New Zealand, make sure you don’t miss it while you there!

I know, it has been a while but bare with us – after over a year, we have finally made our first video from travels in New Zealand, hence, we are launching our YouTube channel!

Hope you enjoyed it! And if so, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for future content! 😉

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  1. Reply


    May 9, 2019

    Labas. Na gal kiek ne į temą- ką parsivežėte iš Naujosios Zelandijos? Ką vežėtė artimiesiems?

    • Reply


      June 1, 2020

      Labas! Manau neverta ir sakyti, kad paskutinius pusantrų metų blog’Ä… buvom visai apleidÄ™…:) TiesÄ… pasakius, nevežėme nieko – tik nuotraukas ir video savo, kadangi po NZ dar praleidom tris mÄ—nesius Vietname, o ir Å¡iaip turÄ—jom labai limituotÄ… biudžetÄ…, tai nusprendÄ—m labiau pinigus leisti potyriams ir kelionÄ—ms.


Ruta & Algirdas

We're Ruta & Algirdas - storytellers, world travelers, photography, and filmmaking enthusiasts. Our best days are spent admiring planet Earth - exploring, tasting, breathing in all it has to offer. Let's spend a year living vanlife in New Zeland, a winter enjoying Saigon's culinary hem gems, or a weekend exploring contrasts between urban jungles and mountain peaks!

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