Working Holiday New Zealand guide
Working Holiday New Zealand

How to get a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa

October 12, 2018

Applying for a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa is a rather simple and clear process once started, however, there are still some steps to be considered and completed. It is always good to be prepared in advance. Well, at least if you wish to avoid any unpleasant surprises or disappointments (comes from personal experience).

I remember myself going crazy on Google as soon as we found out that Lithuania signed a WHV agreement with New Zealand. I had developed a new obsession searching for all the possible information on the WHV scheme as well as in general for people’s blog posts on their Working Holiday adventures in New Zealand. So, for those curious ones, we’ve decided to share some guides and instructions on getting yourself to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa! Yaayyyy!

Though, if you’re undecided yet, check out our post on why you should go for New Zealand Working Holiday Visa.Girl taking in the view of New Zealand's South Island beauty

Let’s start with those big steps and will be getting into details from there on:

1.      Check your eligibility for Working Holiday Visa in New Zealand.

I mean, before even applying, you need to find out whether the visa really suits you as there are quite a few requirements and limitations.

2.      Prepare for the application process.

If you meet all the eligibility requirements, you can start preparing for the filling of the application. This includes getting your documents, funds, and all the details ready. Also, practicing the form filling falls under this section, in case your country has a limited quota of visas.

3.      Fill in the online application on the Immigration New Zealand website and, if successful, make a payment.

I guess it is pretty self-explanatory, just follow the step by step instructions and she’ll be right (as Kiwis say).

4.      Provide medical certificate and chest x-ray, if required.

Afterward, you should receive an email from the assigned immigration officer with further details. These will probably include information whether any medical certificates/chest x-ray is required.

5.      Once you’re granted a WHV, it is time to celebrate, dance on a table, have some joyful shouts out loud and start preparing for the arrival in New Zealand!

However, if you do not fit the New Zealand Working Holiday Visa criteria or were unsuccessful in getting your visa, don’t pity yourself but start digging deeper for other options. You’d be surprised how many other options there are for coming to travel and even work in New Zealand! So, if this is news to you, below are some of the options available. Though you can always find more information about all options on the Immigration New Zealand website:

  • Visitor Visa (apply for a variation of the visa for seasonal work if a shortage is declared by the government. It allows working up to 6 weeks on a tourist visa.)
  • Supplementary Seasonal Employer Work Visa
  • Essential Skill Work Visa
  • Student Visa

I really hope one way or another, you’ll come to New Zealand and enjoy it as much as we do!

Stay tuned for more detailed guides on each of these steps in Working Holiday Visa application. You can also subscribe to our mailing list and get your exclusive insider tips & tricks for securing your visa (if you come from a country with a limited quota of visas).

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How to get a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa? - Still Got It Stories

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  1. Reply


    October 15, 2018

    How exactly do you practice the form filling?


Ruta & Algirdas

We're Ruta & Algirdas - storytellers, world travelers, photography, and filmmaking enthusiasts. Our best days are spent admiring planet Earth - exploring, tasting, breathing in all it has to offer. Let's spend a year living vanlife in New Zeland, a winter enjoying Saigon's culinary hem gems, or a weekend exploring contrasts between urban jungles and mountain peaks!

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